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Leitlinien Philosophie


We at hempeline not only feel a deep responsibility towards our customers, to offer them the quality of products that they deserve and that we promise them. We also have a great responsibility for the people and the nature behind these products. That is why we have guidelines according to which we select our products and partners.
Because for us, it's not about offering beautiful things at any price, but also about making them under fair conditions. Only in this way do they make us happy and really make us shine.

#1 treating people fairly

Before working with all of our partners and producers, especially abroad, we confirm that they always pay an appropriate minimum wage, never use child labor and speak out against any form of racism, exclusion or sexual assault. In addition, we always have the factories, workplaces and the surrounding area shown to us. On site or via video conferencing.

#2 respectful treatment of nature

We not only question what we do for nature at hempeline, but also with our partners. Pearls and cashmere are wonderful and magical products of nature that we want to be treated and made the same way. Therefore, we ask all our producers which processes they go through, whether they use environmentally friendly processes and additives and what they do for sustainability. We love partners who love their products and nature as much as we do.

#3 inspire global, act local

Für unsere Kundinnen sind wir auf der ganzen Welt unterwegs, um die schönsten Schätze für die schönsten Frauen zu entdecken. Dabei achten wir darauf, dass wir nicht mit Zwischenhändlern, sondern nur mit Produzenten direkt arbeiten, um unnötige Transportwege, Zwischenverpackungen und Arbeitsbedingungen, die wir nicht kontrollieren können, zu vermeiden. Auch bei hempeline selbst achten wir auf kurze Transportwege und regionale Produktion. All unsere Waren werden direkt zu hempeline gesendet und nicht in einem Außenlager verwaltet. Auch unsere Verpackungen sind überwiegend aus nachhaltigen Stoffen und werden regional designt wie produziert. Das spart Versandwege, sichert Arbeitsplätze und bereichert unser Sortiment.

#4 klimabewusstes Handeln

But even we at hempeline are not always perfect and therefore always want to give something back to our planet for its treasures beyond our guidelines. For every product sold, we donate to a reforestation project in Costa Rica, which plants a tree for every EUR 500 donated. Find out more about this great project and how we can do something good for our planet: